

"Geography is the subject which holds the key to our future" michael palin.

Geography 2

Our Vision for geography at all saints Academy

The world is a curious place, our curriculum is intended to develop learners who will ‘think like a geographer’. Our globally aware learners will ask questions about the world around them, growing their understanding of their place in the world. The intent is to develop a holistic knowledge of the subject at Key Stage Three in order to create a platform to build on at GCSE. Geography will be developed beyond the classroom adopting a life-long learning approach which grows a responsible attitude towards the world. Learning will be nurtured through skills, knowledge of place, culture and an awareness of contemporary global issues. We will grow knowledge in students to enable them to thrive and enjoy lessons whilst creating cross curricular links. Learners will be inspired to continue the study of Geography Post 16 as well as career pathways. 

How Will we achieve this?

Geography will be a journey that starts in KS3 and evolves through to KS4. We implement this through the aspiration to deliver high quality education which promotes a love of learning about the world. Work must be accessible and engaging for all learners through means such as differentiation to ensure that true progress is made. Schemes of Learning are bespoke to our context, this will consist of a variety of different skills and knowledge, including, problem solving, and fieldwork. Application of knowledge is key for Geography and proves that learners are ‘thinking like a geographer’. 

Human and Physical Geography are to be as equally weighted as possible and students are to develop learning from both sciences. This is applied through the Schemes of Learning to provide over time a varied curriculum. 

LJ Y7 11 start 2023




how will we ASSESS geography


Medium term


How will we assess Geography

Assessment plan


Key Stage 3 Pathways



Key Stage 4 Assessment

Assess ks4

In preparation for the GCSE exams in Y11, students will complete a number of end of unit assessments as well as end of Y10 exam. In Y11 students will complete two mock exam papers in preparation for their summer exams.



Follows the Masters of Recall programme. All students are given a Masters of Recall booklet according to their year group, these booklets contain the Knowledge Organisers for the topics they will be studying in Geography.

Students are set homework via assignments on Teams. Students are given clear instructions which part of the Knowledge Organiser they need to learn using one of the revision strategies at the front of the Masters of Recall booklet.

When the homework is due in class, students are expected to show the classroom teacher their completed revision strategy and then they will complete ten multiple choice questions based on the knowledge learnt.



Students who continue to study Geography at GCSE are given a range of different homework activities which centre around crucial knowledge.

These include Geog Your Memory, Seneca and Microsoft Forms (multiple choice questions). These homework’s coincide with the crucial knowledge being taught in the lessons. As students move towards key assessment points and the GCSE exams, homework will also include answering exam questions from sections of previous exam papers.


what is the Impact of our work



Cultural Capital

CC image


Cultural capital opportunities in Geography 


Reading Journey

Reading J

Students are directed to engage their passion in Geography by developing their understanding of various topics. We have shared with our students a range of books which we have found both inspirational and informative in helping to learn and understand the world around us.


Humanities Prefect

Finlay BHi, my name is Finlay, and I am the Humanities prefect. I applied for this role as I believe these 3 subjects within the humanities are some of the most interesting and unique courses within the school. The subjects that are in the humanities are History, Geography and Religious Ed. All of which are very important and amazing to learn about as you further your education in the school. I personally enjoy these subjects and believe everyone within the school should share my passion for them as they teach you about the world we live in and peoples outlooks and different cultures within it. I find this very fascinating which led me to pick both History and Geography for my options to continue learning about the subjects alongside Religious Ed.  

My role as prefect for these subjects is to provide a platform for students who find these lessons interesting and to help them further deepen their understanding of the subject areas. Another aspect of my role is to support and guide students who may find these 3 subjects challenging. Above all else my role is to provide support and encouragement to all students within the academy. 

Learning Resources