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Reading at All Saints Academy
Our Vision for Reading
At All Saints Academy we believe that reading is fundamental. We want our students to be confident, fluent and enthusiastic readers who are able to employ a variety of strategies in their pursuit of meaning and knowledge acquisition. The ability to read well, speak fluently and write competently for a range of audiences and purposes across the curriculum is absolutely vital to a student’s academic and social success. Reading underpins our whole school curriculum, as a core life skill, that will enable our young people to flourish in the 21st Century. Our library is at the heart of the school; it has been a difficult couple of years with the pandemic but we have continued to grow students love of reading and have worked hard together with our reading leaders to make the library a wonderful environment.
How we will achieve this
Look out for subject specific reads. Here are some examples.
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Accelerated Reader
As part of our commitment to ensuring that all students maximise their potential and are equipped to access the rigors and challenge of our curriculum, Years 7 and 8 are learning to use an online reading intervention programme called Accelerated Reader by Renaissance Learning.
How does Accelerated Reader Work?
In the final year of primary school, students’ ages typically match up with their "reading age". However, on entry to secondary school, it has been reported that children are either stagnating or falling behind on their reading age. The research found that this trend was reflected across the UK suggesting students do not continue to read with such vigour and challenge in secondary school. Accelerated Reader is a programme that ensures the right level of challenge to secure progress; this is how it will be implemented.
Students are assessed 4 times a year using a Star Test, this gives the student their Reading Age at each point and from this baseline we monitor their development;
The data from the test ascertains what level of book the student should be reading and they are given a bespoke reading range called their ZPD (Zone of Proximal Development – see the ‘A Parents’ Guide to Accelerated Reader’ document below for more details);
Using their reading range (ZPD) we help each student choose books; fiction or non-fiction (and even articles) which are most suitable for them;
Having read their chosen book, students are expected to quiz at least once every three weeks and achieve 85-95% - this shows they have fully understood the book and that it has the right level of challenge.
Students should not "STAR test" at home but they can quiz. They must only quiz on books they have read recently (watching a film adaptation will not help you at all!). Once students finish a book, they should aim to quiz within 48 hours. If your child chooses to quiz outside of school, it should be done independently and without the reading book in front of them.
As you will be aware, GCSE examinations have become more rigorous and demanding in recent years, particularly in relation to the wording and ‘readability’ of the questions. This is the case regardless of the subject; from Biology to History to DT. The Accelerated Reader programme develops your child’s reading age and ability to access a range of GCSE papers, thus boosting their confidence and chances of success.
How often should students read?
Research shows that reading for at least 20 minutes a day will have a positive impact on progress. In school, students have the opportunity to read and quiz during their designated library time after school until 4pm.
As with anything, performance improves with practice. Encourage your child to read at home and complete reading quizzes. Students can check the reading range of any books they read outside of our school library and whether there is a quiz at https://www.arbookfind.co.uk/. Parents can also check their child’s progress and growing bookshelf through ‘Home Connect’. Details of how to do this are also in the attached guide below. Students will be set a weekly homework in English to also encourage them to read and quiz. Our reading time in the library once a fortnight is structured to listen to students read; discuss progress and targets generated from STAR tests; review quiz progress and also help teachers to refer students if further support is needed.
In addition, a helpful guide about how to log onto a student’s personalised account can be found in our Useful videos section on the website.
What is the impact of our work
Celebrating student achievement in Accelerated Reader
As students’ progress through the programme they are awarded certificates, starting at Ready Reader and progressing through to Star Reader. Each time they complete a quiz with a score of 85% or above they receive an Achievement Point.
We also have half-termly prizes for inter-tutor and house competitions and for our Millionaire Readers there will be a Head Teacher’s award! We will post our impact display as they grow. The English Team presents awards on a half termly basis, based on discussion about Accelerated Reader and Progress data each faculty meeting.
Reading Leaders’ Programme
Y9, Y10 and Y11 students, mentor Y7 and Y8 students on a weekly basis to help them develop their reading skills. They help to embed the crucial reading skills such as: activating prior knowledge, predicting, synthesising information, comprehension and inference. The Reading Leaders are also an integral part of running the library, acting as role models and ensuring stock matches students’ interests and abilities. They produce a display with new books each month to promote current topics.
Congratulations to our Star Readers
Congratulations to our Star Readers who have reached 20 points in the Accelerated Reading scheme. Students joined Mrs Buchan for Hot Chocolate and muffins, as a reward for their hard work in Accelerated Reading.
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Comic Book Workshop
World book day
At All Saints Academy, we strive to promote a positive reading culture every day and we always encourage all our students to celebrate World Book Day. We have lots of exciting events planned for World Book Day on 7th March including:
- Technology Competition: bake/decorate book inspired cup-cakes or biscuits (they can be collected at the end of the day or they will be sold to raise money for House charities).
- House competition: each house will nominated a book. Students can wear an item to represent their nominated house book.
- House Competition: classroom doors will be decorated with the nominated books by House
- House Competition Reading Race: students will get tokens for reading a library book and completing a book review; the winning House will receive a prize.
- KS3 Big Literature Quiz: all week led by our Reading Leaders and Prefects
- World Book Day activities in the library at lunch time and after school- take part in a Murder Mystery and a book buffet tasting session to name two!
- Drop Everything And Read for charity: Year 7-9 students can pay 50p in a lesson if they wish to read a book, any proceeds will help All Saints library to develop further. We expect readers to be prepared with a book in their bag. Money needs to be handed to the teacher on arrival.
Every Friday morning our Year 10 SEND mentors work with some of our Year 7 and Year 8 readers on a reciprocal reading programme. This builds students' confidence; helps them choose books in the library; supports discussion and engagement with reading and develops core skills such as:
Useful Links
Reading_Matters - Home (sharepoint.com) - all students can access our amazing reading Sharepoint and our Virtual Library using their school login. You can also see our fabulous 'World Book Day' adventures over the last two years and be reminded of 'Thoughtful Thursday'
Parent's Guide to Accelerated ReaderParent's Guide to Renaissance Home Connect