
Our Intent 

At All Saints we are committed to the principle that all students have the right to the highest quality of education we can provide.

As an Academy, we believe that education is about teaching children the knowledge, skills and values they will require to be effective life-long learners.  We want to empower our children to make decisions within a complex and ever-changing world so that they can positively adapt and lead successful and happy lives. We do this by providing a curriculum which teaches knowledge and skills within the context of strong personal development curriculum that encourages shared values of mutual respect. Across all their learning our children reflect, become increasingly resilient and develop responsibility.

Our Academy dispositions encourage all students to be


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The curriculum at All Saints CE Academy underpins our vision of ‘Every child matters equally to God’. Our curriculum delivers vital subject knowledge and skills which are complemented by a raft of enrichment and Cultural Capital activities that broaden and extend the student experience.

In addition to a focus on cross-curricular skills, All Saints CE Academy uses the co-curriculum to enhance wider personal development and promote positive attitudes to learning. We strive for our students to develop their personal skills and qualities in order that they may grow into positive, responsible young adults who can work and cooperate well with others.  In its entirety, the curriculum is designed to make sure students feel valued and respected so that they in turn learn to value those around them and develop an acute sense of social responsibility which in time has a positive impact upon their own community and the wider British society.

Our curriculum is well understood, well planned and well thought out at all levels to meet the need of each individual student. In order to facilitate long-term learning, the skills and content for each subject are spaced and interleaved throughout our curriculum.

Additionally, classroom pedagogy is built around the effective use of retrieval practice in order for students to remember knowledge over time.  Subject curriculums are aligned and sequenced effectively to ensure maximum efficiency, and this allows a broad curriculum that stretches children but still enables outstanding outcomes.

Our Curriculum:

  • is appropriate and relevant to our students 
  • is progressive, interleaved and sequenced to develop knowledge and understanding which provides deep, sustainable and valuable learning for all students 
  • provides opportunities to develop levels of literacy and numeracy across all curriculum areas
  • recognises the increasing importance of demands placed upon students to keep themselves safe in a digital age
  • promotes opportunities across the curriculum for the development of good student health and wellbeing 
  • provides a wide range of courses that challenge, engage and raise aspirations of our students
  • promotes learning across a wide range of contexts and experiences 
Our aim, through our curriculum is to develop students:
  • who have the confidence, resilience and knowledge to stay mentally healthy
  • who have high expectations of self and an ambitious vision for their future
  • who have a work ethic in them achieving, and exceeding, their academic potential
  • who are happy and have a desire to pursue a healthy, active lifestyle 
  • who are respectful, tolerant and empathetic towards the values and beliefs of others
  • who are self-aware and know their own strengths through reviewing and evaluating their progress 
  • who are capable of making informed decisions and are aware of their rights and responsibilities 

Curriculum Design

We have a broad and balanced curriculum which is complemented by our Enrichment programme which spans across the year, where students can take part in rich learning experiences that do not easily fit into the normal school day and allow for students to learn in different ways. 

Year 7, 8 and 9 CurriculumKs3
Year 10 and 11 CurriculumKs4

In years 10 and 11 we offer a broad range of vocational and academic subjects. All courses can be studied by any student, regardless of ability.
This offer may be subject to change

Extra Curricular Opportunities

An additional after school enrichment programme includes a range of sporting activities, music and drama. There is daily support for homework. Peer mentoring groups are also in place for students, depending on the individual learning needs. A ‘Period 6’ intervention programme is designed to support all students throughout their final year.  

Curriculum Impact

The senior leader team ensure that the rationale for the curriculum design is shared across the academy. In developing this there is careful consideration given to knowledge progression and the sequencing of concepts in and across subjects.  The delivery of the curriculum is equitable for all groups and enhances students’ capacity to access the full curriculum. Leaders, including governors, as part of the planning process, build in regular opportunities for review and quality assurance. There is a commitment from SLT to ensure ongoing professional development so that curriculum expertise develops across the academy.

The role of the Heads of Faculty, Heads of House and the SENCO is pivotal.  All Middle Leaders are involved in the dissemination and delivery of the vision for ensuring the curriculum offers parity for all groups of learners. Reading is a priority in every subject and Maths and numeracy are preconditions for success across the curriculum. Middle Leaders collaborate to focus on knowledge progression and the sequencing of concepts in their own subject and, in the context of learning, in other subjects, projects or themes.  Effective CPL ensures middle leaders have the knowledge, expertise and practical skill to design and implement a curriculum. 

Any questions about the curriculum can be directed to Mrs Buchan


Page Downloads Date  
Curriculum Offer 08th Feb 2022 Download
Choices Booklet 2024 2026 v1 1 18th Mar 2024 Download
Choices Evening Presentation Final 24 18th Mar 2024 Download