Extra Curricular Opportunities

Our wider curriculum offer is updated each term. Each activity is developed with one of our 4 pillars of cultural capital: Leadership, Culture, Skills and Character. For further explanations of these areas please see the cultural capital page in curriculum or ask your child to share our Sharepoint with you.


Pillars Cultural Capital


Extra Curricular Activities Summer 24

Summer 24 1

Summer 24 2

Summer 24 3

Summer 24 5

Summer 24 6

Trips and Events

Additional events or trips will be shared on our Cultural Capital boards in school and letters will be sent home to parents for consent. Also find posters in this area which explain the clubs in detail. Students need to turn up to register.

Please check our noticeboards for events and trips that are organised during the year as opportunities arise for example, university lectures and guest speakers. The timetable is updated each half term. Students need to turn up after school at the designated area to register.

Also don't forget our 'Inspire Talks' each month on the last Friday (dependent on speaker's availability). Posters will appear on the boards and in tutor rooms. If you think you could offer any of your time to deliver a talk or workshop please contact khobson@allsaintsib.org.