Food & Nutrition


"the joy and satisfaction of a meal, is equal to the passion and effort given to it's preparation." GordAN RAMSEY.

Food banner   


(KS 3) YEARS 7,8 & 9

Food and Nutrition at All Saints equips students with the life skills to take forward, that allow them to cook independently; use a range of equipment safely and learn about new ingredients, and how to use them. We encourage students to develop ways of communicating ideas across all areas of food practical, from adapting recipes to fit dietary requirements or for specific life stages. To understand the different cultures and identify user needs across all areas of research, design and practical, to understand the properties of a range of ingredients. We inspire to develop essential skills for future employability and students understanding of the different career pathways and job roles.

GCSE (KS4) YEAR 9 &10

At All Saints Academy we encourage students to research, design and prepare food products with creativity and originality through a variety of practical activities using a range of ingredients, methods and equipment to show a range of high level skills in the test kitchen. Food preparation and Nutrition is a practical subject area which requires the application of knowledge and understanding when developing ideas, planning, making products and evaluating them. By allowing the students to experiment with ingredients and food, lets students make the connections between theory and practice to apply their understanding of food and nutrition to practical preparation


Learning Journey

2023-24 LJ KS4

2023 24 LJ KS3


Food Pathway skills Assessment


Assessment sheet NEA 1

Assessment Sheet NEA 2

AQA Skills checklist


Some images from GCSE Food Assessments:

Food Image 4

Food Image 2

Food Image 3

Food Options Evening presentation


Year (KS3) Cooking Club
Spanish Cooking night (Cross Curricular)
Care in the Community
Raining money for charity


Food Prefect

IzzyHi my name is Izzie and I am the food prefect. I wanted to take on this role to show what the younger students would be doing when choosing food GCSE and also to promote this option as I think it has many great skills that will help them later in life. I chose food tech for GCSE’s because it has taught me the importance of the different areas of health and how to keep your body healthy as well as the practical side of it. I am very grateful to be chosen to be a prefect and I plan on using my knowledge and giving back to the school to help future food students with their journey. 

During these lessons we have the opportunity to work together with our friends to create exciting and different recipes. It has given me the confidence in my practical cooking skills as well as taking part in the classroom discussions. I take pride in the work I produce in my food lessons and hope to show what the food GCSE course offers to the younger students. 

My main goals as the food prefect is to highlight the enjoyment to be gained from this GCSE and to motivate more students to choose it as one of their options. I also hope to support students in gaining a new life skill that they can carry with them through their time at All Saints and onwards. 

Learning Resources


Knowledge Organisers

Year 7 Food Year 8 Food

Year 9 Food

KS4 Food knowledge organiser