Attendance Matters

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time.” Ephesians 5:15-16

All Saints is committed to working closely with both students and parents /carers to maintain high levels of attendance and punctuality. Excellent attendance ensures that All Saints students receive their full education and secure the best possible outcomes for their future. High attendance rates are directly linked to strong attainment at GCSE level. Only 40% of our Year 11 students whose attendance was below 90% achieved a Grade 4 or above in Mathematics and English. In comparison 100% of our students with attendance of 100 % achieved a Grade 4 or above.

Strong attendance empowers our students to become confident, resilient and well-rounded learners. This is crucial for providing a secure and successful platform for the challenges of the next steps of life beyond school.

The following guidance illustrates the importance of excellent attendance and the impact absence has upon the student. Parents /carers can support their child by emphasising the value of high attendance.

Attendance image

Academy Expectations

  • Arrive into the academy by 8.50am on time, every day
  • Be prepared with full school uniform and equipment
  • Inform the academy of any problem that may delay arrival or prevent attendance.

Impact of Days Missed per Year

Attendance during the year Days Missed Sessions Missed Weeks Missed Lessons Missed
95% 9 days 18 sessions 2 weeks 54 lessons
90% 19 days 38 sessions 4 weeks 114 lessons
85% 29 days 58 sessions 6 weeks 174 lessons
80% 39 days 72 sessions 8 weeks 228 sessions










A day missed here and there can quickly add up to a significant number of lost lessons. Regular attendance at school is essential for success. We aim for 97% attendance or better for each child.

Unavoidable Absence

The academy accepts that on some occasions there are legitimate reasons that prevent attendance at school. We request that if appointments are known in advance parents /carers inform the academy as soon as possible.

Where the reason for absence is illness, the parent /carer must telephone the academy on the first day of absence before 9am with a detailed explanation to be left on the secure absence message service. Simply being unwell is not acceptable and may require the attendance team to call you. A message must be left for each day of absence.

Absences that may be authorised by the academy include:

  • Illness
  • Unavoidable medical appointments evidenced by a letter
  • Day of religious observance
  • Exceptional circumstances such as bereavement
  • An interview with a prospective college / further education provider
  • An evidenced sporting or musical event

It is the student’s responsibility to catch up on missed school lessons and homework.

Avoidable Absence

If possible avoid taking your child out of school during term time. If absence has to be taken a Leave of Absence Form must be completed and returned in advance. Forms can be collected from the office. Absences are only authorised in exceptional circumstances by the Headteacher.

Punctuality Matters

Impact of late arrival per year

If you are late every day by You will have lost approximately ...which means you have missed approximately
5 minutes 3 days 15 lessons
10 minutes 6 days 30 lessons
15 minutes 9.5 days 47 lessons
20 minutes 13 days 63 lessons
30 minutes 19 days 95 lessons

If a student arrives at the academy after 8.50am their name will be noted and an email will be sent to the parent /carer to alert them. If the student arrives late on three or more occasions during a half term period, an after school detention will be issued and the parent /carer will be informed.

Working together to improve attendance

What you can do to help your child be present and succeed at school:

  • Ensure that your child attends school every day on time.
  • Do not keep your child off school for minor ailments – if your child becomes unwell during the school day, their Head of House will contact you.
  • Where possible medical appointments should be outside of school hours and an appointment letter should be obtained.
  • If a medical appointment has to be during the school day, ensure that your child returns to school promptly afterwards.
  • Take family holidays during school holidays not term time.
  • If your child has anxiety about attending school, contact their Head of House, do not keep them off school.
  • Use the My Child at School App to monitor your child’s attendance and behaviour.

Attendance concerns

If a student’s attendance drops below 90%, they are classified as persistently absent. If the academy is concerned about a student’s attendance a letter will be emailed to the parent / carer advising them about the issue. If the attendance level does not improve, the student will be placed on a supportive plan to encourage increased attendance. The parent / carer will be contacted by the attendance team and Head of House. When on a plan, absences due to illness and medical appointments will only be authorised when medical evidence is provided. If the attendance rate still does not improve the local authority will be informed and if the child continues to miss school, legal action may be taken.

If you are concerned about your child's attendance please contact their Head of House.